When you reach the end of your journey will you be standing alone? Not if you invested yourself in the lives of others along the way.
It all begins with an Identity.
Your identity is the union of every aspect of your life being intertwined such that who you are at home, amongst your friends and at work is indistinguishable from each other. Your identity is Who you are to be.
‘Who you are to be’ is more than your profession, it’s more than your demeanor, more than who you follow and more than the service you do. Who you are ‘to be’ is not something to be compartmentalized into parts of your life, it’s the underlying way you live the whole of your life.
Therefore, there is a strong correlation between our interactions within each relationship circle of our lives. This means the way we interact with people in one circle will strongly influence our ability to serve in the other circles.
In each relationship circle we are afforded the opportunity to instill and draw out the value in other. In turn, those individuals will bestow upon us a legacy that will impact generation after generation.
The diagram depicts how the impact of serving in one circle ‘bleeds over’ to the others.